The Ottoman Cage
Author: Barbara Nadel
Minotaur Books, 2005
320 pages
It's been very busy here these past few weeks. I've only had time for reading 20-30 pages a night . . . so it's taken me way too long to read The Ottoman Cage,
the second installment in British author Barbara Nadel's series
featuring Istanbul's chain-smoking, brandy-drinking detective Çetin
Ikmen. (You can find my thoughts on the first book, Balshazzar's Daughter, by clicking here.)
This time, crotchety Ikmen and his colleague, the dashing young
Suleyman, are working together to solve the murder of a delicate young
man who had apparently been imprisoned in a private home for a very long
time. As they try to determine: a) who the victim is and b) whodunnit, the case takes them in all sorts of directions and as usual, they
encounter several interesting (putting it mildly) characters, including a
delusional man who thinks he's Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, several pimps, and
an extremely creepy murderer.
One of the things I love about Nadel's books is the emphasis on
Istanbul as a very diverse city, and of course it is a major cultural
crossroads. Whereas Balshazzar's Daughter highlighted the Jewish community, The Ottoman Cage puts the spotlight on the Armenian community . . . and we learn a bit more about Istanbul's complex and rich history.
But Ikmen and Suleyman are the ones we really care about. Ikmen
has been married to his wife Fatma for more than two decades. They have
nine children, and now Ikmen's elderly father -- who has dementia -- is
living with them. Fatma is going through a difficult time and is having
some health issues which she doesn't want to bother her husband with.
The plot thickens with the introduction of their adult daughter, an international
flight attendant who has her mind on . . . you guessed it . . . a pilot.
As for Suleyman, well, he's been unhappily married for several
years. It was an arranged marriage, and he's tried very hard to make it
work. Enter Ayşa Farsakoǧlu, a police sergeant who might possibly have a
crush on Suleyman. Or does she? Whatever the case, his life is about to
become much more complicated.
Read this series if
you have any interest at all in Istanbul, Turkey, or the Ottoman Empire . . . but mostly if you just want to read a solid police
procedural. Who knows, you might even
decide to kick back with a strong cup of Turkish coffee. That would
certainly keep you up so you could read.
P.S. In case you're wondering why the second book was published in 2005 and the first one in 2006 (if you clicked the above link to the first book) . . . well, I don't know the reason for certain, but most likely it has to do with the publisher. I just wanted to add this here in case you thought the mistake was mine. THIS TIME, it isn't. :)
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